Building APKs with Unity 2019: A Comprehensive Guide



Building a game with Unity is a rewarding experience, and deploying it to your target audience is the final step in bringing your vision to life. This guide will focus on building Android APKs using Unity 2019, providing you with a clear understanding of the process and the essential tools involved.

Understanding the APK Building Process in Unity

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand the overall process:

  1. Unity Project Setup: Ensure your Unity project is configured correctly for Android development. This involves defining your target platform and setting up essential project settings like screen resolution and graphics quality.
  2. Build Settings: Configure the build settings to specify the APK’s target platform, screen resolution, and other critical parameters.
  3. Building the APK: Unity will then package your game code, assets, and other components into an APK file ready for deployment.

Essential Tools for Building APKs with Unity 2019

Here are the key tools and platforms you’ll need:

  • Unity 2019: This is the game development engine that you’ll use to create your game and build the APK.
  • Android Studio: A comprehensive suite of tools for Android development, including an emulator for testing your APK.
  • Android SDK: This is the core set of tools needed to build and deploy Android apps. It’s integrated into Android Studio.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK): This is essential for compiling Java code used in Android app development.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building APKs with Unity 2019

  1. Set Up Unity for Android Development:

    • Open Unity and create a new project or navigate to an existing one.
    • In the File menu, select Build Settings.
    • Click the “Android” platform in the list.
    • If “Android” is not listed, click “Add OpenGLES”.
  2. Configure Android Build Settings:

    • Target API Level: Choose an API level that’s compatible with your game’s requirements and supported by your target devices.
    • Bundle Identifier: Assign a unique identifier for your app.
    • Scripting Backend: Choose the scripting backend that suits your project. For Unity 2019, you’ll likely choose “Mono.”
    • Minimum API Level: Set the minimum Android version required to run your game.
    • Other Settings: Configure graphics settings, resolution, and other parameters based on your game’s needs.
  3. Build the APK:

    • Click the “Switch Platform” button at the bottom of the Build Settings window.
    • Click the “Build and Run” button.
    • Unity will begin building your APK.

Key Tips for Building Efficient APKs:

* **Optimize Assets:** Optimize images, models, and other assets to reduce APK size. Consider tools like Texture Packer and FBX converter.
* **Profiling:** Use Unity's profiler to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your game code.
* **Code Optimization:** Use efficient algorithms and data structures in your game code.
* **Minify Code:** Enable code stripping and obfuscation to reduce the size of your APK.

Troubleshooting and Debugging:

  • Errors During Building: If you encounter errors, carefully review the error messages and consult Unity’s documentation or online forums for solutions.
  • Testing on a Device: Test your APK on real Android devices to catch any compatibility issues.
  • Use Logging: Use Unity’s logging system to track issues in your game during development and debugging.

Beyond Basic Building: Advanced Techniques

  • Asset Bundles: Use asset bundles to load content dynamically, reducing the initial APK size.
  • Gradle Build System: Use Gradle for more advanced build configurations and customization.
  • Third-Party Plugins: Integrate plugins to support features like ads, analytics, or social networking.

Quote from a Unity Expert:

“Building a well-optimized APK is essential for a successful mobile game. Optimizing assets, code, and build settings can significantly improve your game’s performance and reduce the APK size, leading to a better user experience,” said David Johnson, a Unity game developer with over 10 years of experience.


Building Android APKs with Unity 2019 is a straightforward process with a few critical steps. By understanding the core principles and utilizing best practices, you can create a high-quality APK that delivers a smooth and enjoyable experience for your players.


1. What is the difference between an APK and an AAB?
An APK is a traditional Android application package, while an AAB (Android App Bundle) is a newer format that allows Google Play to optimize app delivery for different devices.

2. How can I make my game APK smaller in size?
Optimize assets, use asset bundles, and enable code stripping and obfuscation.

3. What is the best way to test my game APK?
Use an Android emulator or test on a physical device with the target Android version.

4. How do I update my game APK after releasing it?
You can update the APK by creating a new build with the updated code and assets, then uploading it to the Google Play Store.

5. What are some best practices for building APKs?
Target a wide range of Android devices, optimize assets, profile your game, and test on different devices.

Call to Action:

Need help building your APK or want expert guidance? Contact us today! Our team of Unity specialists can assist you with all your APK building needs. You can reach us at [phone number], [email address], or [website link]. We’re here to help you bring your game to life.